Please kindly refer to the following.
Pictsquare>[how to play]>[General participation]
Pictsquare>[how to play]>[General participation]
Q :
Is it possible to participate from overseas?
A :
If you have a mobile phone number which is usable to authenticate users by SMS, you can participate in events at pictSQUARE from all over the world.
And you need to use your mobile number to authenticate with SMS.
Enter your "country code" and your phone number.
Please refer to the information page linked below
Please refer to the information page linked below.
Enter the event venue
2. There is an admission button at the bottom of the page.
Pleases click the button "利用規約に同意し、イベント会場へ (Agree to the terms of use and go to the event venue)" to enter.
3. Please click the button "イベント会場へ" to enter.
4. Select your avatar.
You can use any of the characters displayed in this list.
If you want to use the original avatar (blue exorcist character), please see here. "Free Avatars"
5. Choose the venue that you want to enter.
Preparatory Committee of the online event of OKUMURA’s wedding ceremony,
Twitter : @okumura619
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